Physical Impairments Loss of Taste and Smell Brain injury can damage the olfactory nerve, the portions of the brain responsible for processing smell, and/or the nasal structures themselves. Loss of smell and, consequently, taste, may depress appetite or cause weight gain as the sufferer compensates with extremely rich or salty foods. Dizziness and Balance Damage to the brain stem, inner ear, or areas of the brain that control blood flow often lead to vertigo, dizziness, lightheadedness, or balance problems. Seizures Seizures are caused by a disruption in the brain’s electrical activity and affect awareness, movement, and/or sensation. Most can be controlled with medication, but untreatable seizures can be extremely disruptive and dangerous. Fatigue Fatigue, or “adynamia,” is often caused by damage to the frontal lobe, and can result in low energy and frequent exhaustion. Headaches Head and neck pain are common after a brain injury and can stem from a number of causes, including skull damage, decreased blood flow, muscle tension, meningeal or brain swelling, and/or increased intracranial pressure. Visual Problems Brain injuries often affect the eyesight. Sufferers may experience double vision, field cuts, sector losses, rapid eye movement, and near-sightedness. Chronic Pain Brain injury sufferers may experience persistent pain in the head, neck, shoulders, back, or elsewhere, even after the physical injuries have healed. It can be severe enough to disrupt all aspects of a person’s life. Hearing Problems Damage to the inner ear or temporal lobe can cause tinnitus, hearing loss, ringing, vertigo, or pressure in the ear.
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